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Parkland, Broward and the FBI

Nikolas Jacob Cruz, 19 years old killed 17 people an injured 14 more. Minutes after this tragic acts of cowardice, teen angst and stupidity occurred, people started clamoring for gun control and gun bans believing these would solve the problem. True to all knee jerk reactions, this one was ignorant and wrong-headed. Before the facts even came in the anti-gunners appointed themselves judge and jury and sentenced the whole country to life without guns. These people have one single agenda. Get rid of guns. Logic, prudence and foresight never arise in their consciousness. But they did not wait until the research came in. The Broward County Sheriff's Office received more than 20 tips about this boy! And the Broward County Sheriff's Office did what? Nothing! Maybe we should ban the Broward County Sheriff's Office and leave guns alone. The FBI received information in September 2017 and January 2018 about Cruzs threats and antisocial behavior. And they too did eactly nothing!
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Why is it that the media refuses to identify SOME victims and or perpetrators but parades others out on the TV like they are some kind of Superstar? The way the media is parading these kids who were at the Parkland, Florida shootings is silly. That is silly from a news point of view. The one and only reason they're parading these kids on TV is to circle the wagons against honest gun owners. These kids don't have anything newsworthy to say, they're just little figureheads that parrot what the media feeds them. "Are you sorry this happened? Do you feel helpless? Do you want to cry for us on national TV? It's ok to cry." At their age they are little more than vessels for angst and unbridled emotion of all kinds. some of them sob uncontrollably at the very thought of dissecting a frog. If TV news outlets want to provide objective information they could provide it in an atmosphere where interviews with these children and their parents were in print and or anonymous
 CNN for shame! I just saw an article online where the female CNN anchor browbeat the NRA representative and she tried to answer questions. But make no mistake the CNN anchor was not going to allow the NRA person speak while she was speaking. But the CNN anchors mouth was running the whole time the NRA person was trying to speak . Regardless of your position on the matter, CNN claims to be objective. In this particular case it was not.